Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Zucchini Blossoms - Awesome!

James, my husband, made me a gourmet dinner tonight - Mexicellent Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms. A spring and summertime treat often used in Mexican or Italian food, these blossoms can be fried, baked or added to pastas and soups. They taste lighter than zucchini and are quite a treat. Here is the recipe James came up with:

Mexicellent Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms
2-3 servings, pairs well with a salad or beans & rice

18-20 fresh zucchini blossoms
5 ounces queso fresco cremoso
1/2 grated jalapeño
1/4 tsp pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Crumble queso fresco into a bowl.

jalapeño into cheese. Add pepper and mix together.

Rinse zucchini blossoms and dry. Take a zucchini blossom and open petals, stuff with queso mixture. Twist ends of petals together to seal. Repeat with remaining blossoms.

Lay blossoms out evenly on cookie sheet or cast iron pan.

Bake in oven for 12-15 minutes or until cheese has melted. Remove from oven and cool 5 minutes. Serve immediately (6-10 per person) and ENJOY!